Monthly Archives: August 2016

Synopsis of WordCamp OKC 2016

WordCamp OKC #wcokc is in our rearview mirror — let’s take a few minutes for a recap and call to action.

WordCamp OKC 2016

Thank You

We want to thank our sponsors, speakers, volunteers and the organizing team for their efforts to make the WordCamp a reality. We had quite a few people tell us how grateful and happy they were to have a WordCamp in Oklahoma.

There are many interested in WordPress who live outside major cities and coming to a meetup is difficult, but coming to a goodness-packed all-day extravaganza like a WordCamp is very worthwhile to them.

Speaker Slides Available

We have most of the slides available for you to look at or download. Simply go to the Sessions page to check them out.

If you haven’t taken your survey yet, here’s the link to do so. It’s 14 quick questions.

Remember the Bigger Community

Aaron Campbell gave us some homework during his morning session: visit to see all the opportunities to get involved. We’d love for everyone that attended this first-ever WordCamp OKC to check that out and find a way to get plugged in.

OKC WordPress Meetup Group

We’d love you to be a regular part of our monthly WordPress group. Head on over to and sign up. We meet the last Monday of the month and we’ll most likely have homemade cookies!

We usually have two speakers who present on WordPress topics – it can be about the software itself, plugins, blogging tips, SEO, analytics and more. Look at our past meetups to get a feel. Our speakers are regular people and most don’t consider themselves experts; they have a passion for sharing something they’ve learned. Remember, everyone is an expert in something!

We hope to see you at a meetup soon!